Quotes 6-24-2014

by Miles Raymer

“‘No, Robert.’

Hooke took advantage of Daniel’s plea to jam a leather strap in his mouth.  ‘You may bite down on that if you wish, or you may spit it out and scream all you like––this is Bedlam, and no one will object.  Neither will anyone take heed, or show mercy.  Least of all Robert Hooke.  For as you know, Daniel, I am utterly lacking in the quality of mercy.  Which is well, as it would render me perfectly incompetent to carry out this operation.  I told you a year ago, in the Tower, that I would one day repay your friendship by giving you something––a pearl of great price.  Now the time has come for me to make good on that promise.  The only question left to answer is how much will that pearl weigh, when I have washed the blood off it and let it clatter onto the pan of yonder scale.  I am sorry you woke up.  I shall not insult you by suggesting that you relax.  Please do not go insane.’”

––Quicksilver, by Neal Stephenson, pg. 916


“Literature is nice, but putting food on the table is nicer.”

––Nonzero: The Logic of Human Destiny, by Robert Wright, pg. 145