Quotes 1-5-2015

by Miles Raymer

“Not one single history book is objective. Merely choosing which topics to include and which to exclude indicates an author’s personal understanding of historical significance. Choice is bias.”

––American Stories: Living American History, Vol. II: From 1865, by Jason Ripper, pg. 260


“‘He says it don’t do no good to read books. Says he’s read ever’thing about prisons now, an’ in the old times; an’ he says she makes less sense to him now than she did before he starts readin’. He says it’s a thing that started way to hell an’ gone back, an’ nobody seems to be able to stop her, an’ nobody got sense enough to change her. He says for God’s sake don’t read about her because he says for one thing you’ll jus’ get messed up worse, an’ for another you won’t have no respect for those guys that work the gover’ments.’”

––The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck, pg. 55